MommyBabyBliss: Nurturing the Bond Between Mommy and Baby!
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Read more: What is diaper rash in infants?
Babies have sensitive skin. Therefore, it requires much more special care. At this point, there is sometimes a possibility of rash. At this point, the question of what are the symptoms of rash in babies is often asked. Rash is the name given to skin irritation due to blockage of sweat glands. It is a…
Read more: What is Thrush in Babies?
Thrush, which is frequently encountered in newborn babies, is not a condition that parents should be very worried about. So what is thrush in babies? Thrush is an oral infection caused by a fungal infection called Candida albicans. It is known that this fungus is normally present in the body’s natural flora, but can overgrow…
Read more: What is preterm birth?
Pregnancy is a period in which every woman experiences unique periods. During this period, the development process of each expectant mother and her baby is different from each other. Therefore, it is very important to follow the doctor’s instructions with regular check-ups and to follow these instructions. The period between 37 and 40 weeks is…
Read more: What is Water Birth? How it is done
Childbirth is a unique experience that women go through for the birth of a baby. However ,preparing for birth is an exciting but also stressful process for every woman. At this point, many methods have been developed to facilitate the birth process. In recent years, water birth has become a preferred method of birth for…
Read more: How Many Weeks a Baby is Born
“When should the baby be born?” is one of the most frequently wondered questions by women who are pregnant or preparing for pregnancy. The birth process of babies takes approximately 40 weeks. During this time, the body of the expectant mother does everything necessary for the growth and development of the baby. During the pregnancy…
Read more: What is a Caesarean Section?
With the approach of the birth , curiosity about the method of delivery increases following various preparations as well as the upcoming excitement . At this point, the most frequently asked topic is what is SSVD? SSVD, i.e. “Post-Cesarean Vaginal Birth”, is when a woman has a cesarean section, but gives birth to her next…
Read more: What is Princess Birth?
The definition of a princess birth is a type of birth that takes place with a method of delivery chosen by the expectant mother. This method of delivery is planned and carried out late in pregnancy, depending on the mother’s preference. Usually, a princess birth refers to a caesarean section, but in some cases a…
Read more: What is Epidural Birth?
Expectant mothers often wonder about various issues related to the method of delivery at any point in the pregnancy process . At this point, one of the most common questions is “What is painless birth?”. Epidural birth, also referred to as epidural birth, is a method preferred by many women during the birth process. In…
Read more: 41 Weeks Pregnancy
41 weeks of pregnancy is a very exciting time when parents are getting closer and closer to holding their baby in their arms. It is possible to say that it is a period when various symptoms begin to be felt more distinctly while the preparations for birth continue. Forty-one weeks into the pregnancy period, one…