
21 Month Baby Development

The age of 0-2 years, known as infancy, is a very critical period both physically and mentally. For this reason , it is both surprising and gratifying to observe the development of babies month by month. It should also be noted that while the physical-motor development of the baby follows a regular pattern in the first three years, it is considered normal to show a faster or slower course.

How Should Babies Develop in the 21st Month?

In the development of babies, the 21st month, in which language development and motor skills as well as self-care skills develop, causes parents to be very excited. 21. the percentile table is taken into account for month baby development. The percentile table is a table showing the physical values of the characteristics that the baby should have according to age and gender. Although the rate of development of each baby is different, all values between 3-97 percentile are considered normal.

  • 21 Month Baby Physical Development

When it comes to 21-month-old baby’s physical development, one of the most important issues is 21-month baby weight and height. The baby’s height and weight gain may progress at different speeds depending on gender, development and genetic factors. The fact that the baby’s weight and height development is within normal limits for the first 24 months is an important indicator of healthy growth.

According to the percentile table, for a 21-month-old baby girl, 11-12 kg and 85 cm. height is considered the average value. For male babies, an average of 12 kg and 85 cm height is also taken into account. Doctors can diagnose some diseases earlier by making the necessary follow-ups based on these average values.

When the baby is 21 months old, he/she starts to react more distinctly when he/she is restless or when he/she dreams. However, whether the 21-month-old baby teething is among the curious questions of this period. Considering the teething order of babies, it can be observed that canine teeth come out in this period, which comes in the 14-22 month period.

  • 21 Month Baby Mental Development

It is possible to see a new skill every month in baby development. when you watch 21-month-old babies, you can see that they do not run out of energy and try to experience everything by trying to behave independently. So what can 21-month-old babies do? When it comes to motor skills, walking, running and jumping are quite easy now. They can push and pull their toys. They can perceive the difference between different shapes and colors. with your 21-month-old baby, you can start making puzzles with a small number of pieces. Can understand simple instructions and recognize faces in photographs. He can understand simple two-word commands and can say simple expressions himself. In terms of language development, 21-month-old babies only have the present tense. Their word memory continues to develop. However, it should be taken into consideration that the speed of language development is different for each child. Conversations of 2-4 words, sometimes participating in group games, imitation games are the changes we can observe in the development of your 21-month-old baby.

21 Month Baby Development Considerations

Meeting the baby’s needs in a timely and correct manner is very important for its development. Regular checks should be done. The baby, whose nutrition and sleep patterns are provided, continues to show healthy development in every month. Let’s review together what to pay attention to in the 21st month, which is a very active period for babies.

  • Don’t be alarmed by night crying

In 21-month-old babies, the most common situation may be night crying. The first thing that comes to mind in night crying is the need for feeding. However, after the age of 1 year, the habit of feeding at night is eliminated. If you are experiencing sudden night crying, it may be because babies dream and are affected by their dreams.

  • Adapt to His Rhythm!

When babies are 21 months old, their motor skills continue to develop. They may try to use cutlery at mealtimes, bring the glass to their mouth or not pick up their toys in the way you planned. Children do not have the same concept of time as adults. If there is a hurried parental attitude, it affects the baby negatively. It is very important to be patient with the baby’s desire to strive and explore.

  • Offer Opportunities to Explore More!

21-month-old babies can follow simple instructions. Accordingly, giving them small responsibilities will support their exploration. Asking them to bring something from somewhere, being supportive of a new activity or movement is very effective. Trips that develop the sense of curiosity with different stimuli, time spent in nature or trips to the zoo are very enjoyable activities for the baby to get to know its environment.

  • Keep Away from the Screen!

Screen use is very disadvantageous for babies and children. Especially for parents who closely follow their babies’ language development, it is an important recommendation to keep their babies away from the screen. while 21-month-old babies can speak with 2-6 words, they tend to learn more words from memory. It is emphasized that 1 hour of time spent watching television has a negative effect on the words embedded in memory. Screen use retards the baby’s language development. Babies who spend their time in front of the screen disrupt important processes such as mental and language development and gaining regular eating habits.

  • How should 21-month-old baby nutrition be?

The eruption of the upper and lower front teeth, canines and milk molars is to be expected in the development of a 21-month-old baby. Therefore, he/she can eat every meal at the table. However, 21-month-old babies may start to be picky about food. They may want to eat food according to its color or avoid eating it. Giving your baby the opportunity to choose will make it easier for them to gain eating habits. for 21-month-old babies, 3 main meals should be given regularly.

  • How should 21-month-old babies be handled by their parents?

21-month-old babies’ development is best supported by spending enough time at their pace. The most challenging situation for parents in this period is when their babies start to show stubborn behavior. It is seen that babies who cannot get what they want get angry and have crying fits. This is also an indication of the two-year-old syndrome. Although it is difficult to implement, parents should be more patient with their 21-month-old babies. Having an insistent attitude towards the baby or ignoring it will cause the conflict to last longer.

How many hours does a 21-month-old baby sleep?

Sleep in babies and children is very important for the secretion of growth hormone. Babies who sleep regularly feel more secure and happy. for those wondering how many hours a 21-month-old baby sleeps, babies are expected to sleep 9-13 hours during this period.

21 Month Baby Vaccinations and Other Checkups

The vaccination schedule determines which vaccine will be administered at which month and age, starting with the birth of the baby and continuing until a certain age . Timely vaccination of babies with the vaccination schedule prevents epidemics and social immunity is gained. In addition, it is very important to have regular medical check-ups to monitor the mental and physical development of the baby.

21-month-old Babies’ Needs

21-month-old babies’ language, motor and self-care skills continue to develop rapidly. For this reason, the behaviors that babies in this period show with their own efforts should be supported. In addition, regular sleep and balanced nutrition are very important for 21-month-old babies. During this period, babies are very curious and want to explore everything. For this reason, parents should be patient and supportive. In addition, babies should be communicated with for language development in 21-month-old babies. Gestures and mimics, correct pronunciation of words and reading books positively affect language development. 21-month-old babies, in whom the effects of the two-year-old syndrome are seen, also reflect their experiences in attachment.