
2 Month Baby Development

For babies who have left 4 weeks of the newborn period behind, the second month is another stage of development as fast as the first month. It is quite surprising and enjoyable to observe the difference between the first moment when babies are born and when they are 8 weeks old in total. As well as the new habits and abilities that babies acquire, there can be many behaviors that are similar to the first month.

How is 2 Month Old Baby’s Physical Development?

2-month-old babies’ physical development can be observed especially in terms of height and weight. There are different average values for boys and girls. for 2-month-old baby girls, 57 cm and approximately 4.7 kg can be taken as average values. For baby boys, the approximate values can be taken as 59 cm and 5.3 kg. However, this should be evaluated in conjunction with birth weight and genetic factors.

Another reflection of physical development is seen on sleep patterns in babies. In this respect ,the question of how many hours a 2-month-old baby sleeps is one of the most curious points. 2-month-old babies need as much sleep as 1-month-old babies. For this reason ,the sleep hours of babies are almost the same, not much decrease is observed. around 16 hours of sleep may be in question for two-month-old babies. However, it is possible to start talking about sleep patterns here. When babies are 2 months old, they can gradually start to be aware of day and night, so they can start to sleep longer at night and in a regular pattern.

How is 2 Month Old Baby Mental Development?

One option for the mental development of two-month-old babies is to observe their awareness. Babies who have completed eight weeks may start to be more selective about colors compared to the first month. It may be possible to observe this as they react to objects of different colors with the development of their eyesight. It is also possible for babies, who are expected to start visual tracking at the end of one month, to provide this tracking period a little longer when they are two months old.

What Can a 2-month-old Baby Do?

2-month-old baby’s development may include physical innovations that will excite the baby’s caregivers. The most obvious of these is the beginning of conscious movements in the legs. As a result of muscle development after the conscious use of hands, babies can start to raise and lower their legs. Another answer to the question of what a two-month-old baby can do is to notice bright and colorful objects.

Changing sleep, feeding and mobility patterns in two-month-old babies also affect the toilet routine. Compared to the first month; 2-month-old baby poop is also one of the changing characteristics. The baby may no longer poop every day. It is normal for him/her to poop twice a day or once every two days.

2 Month Baby Vaccines and Checkups

In the vaccination schedule of babies determined by the Ministry of Health, there are also vaccines determined for the second month. These vaccines are very important for the general health of babies. In the monthly controls where routine follow-up will also be provided, vaccinations must be done completely. At the same time, height and weight measurements should be provided in terms of monthly physical development follow-up.