Milking with a Breast Pump

Below are a few tips to help you for a successful milking:


1) One of the most important things when you are breastfeeding or expressing your milk is to drink enough fluids, drink a glass of water before you start expressing and when you switch to expressing your other breast.


2) Looking at a picture of your baby, a smell that reminds you of your baby or hearing your baby’s voice will help increase your milk flow.


3) There are also support products that can help you during this period. The hot application helps to start milk flow and empty the breast quickly.


4) The first milking in the morning produces the most milk.


5) If your nipples start to hurt when you milk your breasts. Also make sure that your nipple is in the center of the breast funnel.


6) Express one breast until your milk flow slows down and then switch to the other breast.


And finally, remember to stay calm!