Reflux is defined as the reflux of stomach contents, i.e. milk or food, back into the esophagus for any reason. Reflux in infants is divided into two categories:
1.Physiological Reflux
It occurs most frequently in the first 1 year of life. The reason for this is that the muscular structure called sphincter between the stomach and the esophagus is not developed in this period and this leads to backward leakage. A large percentage of physiological reflux that starts in infancy, such as 80 percent, already disappears spontaneously. There is nothing to worry about.
2.Reflux Caused by Improper Nutrition
If left untreated, this reflux can persist after the age of one year. Actions such as overfeeding, putting the baby to bed incorrectly, putting the baby to sleep immediately after feeding can cause reflux.
Complications Caused by Infant Reflux
Infant reflux usually goes away after the age of one year. However, if your baby has persistent projectile vomiting and fever, you should definitely consult a doctor. It is important that you do not waste time to go to the hospital in case of prolonged and recurrent coughing and vomiting. So, what are the causes of reflux?
Causes of Infant Reflux
Reflux in babies is physiological, but mistakes made while feeding and putting the baby to sleep can also trigger reflux.
- In the first year of life, putting the baby on a flat bed instead of a bed at an angle of at least 30 degrees sometimes triggers reflux.
- Putting the baby in a lying position immediately after feeding also causes reflux. Instead, it is necessary to hold the baby for a while, burp him/her and then put him/her to bed.
- Feeding just before bedtime also triggers reflux. Wait at least ten minutes after breastfeeding.
- Not burping after feeding can cause reflux. It is absolutely necessary to burp the baby after feeding .
- Breastfeeding mothers can understand that the baby is full because the baby moves away from the breast. However, it may be a little difficult to understand this in formula-fed babies. Overfeeding in a way that exceeds the stomach capacity also causes reflux.
How to recognize reflux in babies?
- In newborn and infant reflux, momentary respiratory arrest may be observed.
- Wheezing, nasal congestion, restlessness are observed.
- There may be refusal to feed and difficulty in feeding.
- Retching or choking on milk is a frequent and common complaint.
- Crying is observed after feeding.
- Inability to gain weight is observed.
- Recurrent and prolonged upper respiratory tract infections are an important symptom.
- Recurrent middle ear infections are observed.
- Tooth decay occurs.
How to Cure Infant Reflux?
As mentioned above, it usually passes after the age of one year. If it does not go away, it is important to consult a physician and apply the necessary treatment. The following issues can be considered to prevent reflux in the baby:
- Holding the bottle at an angle and making sure that no air escapes into the mouth or using a bottle that does not cause gas.
- Burping the baby after feeding
- Not putting to bed immediately after feeding
- to be careful to lay at a 30-degree angle
- Prefer feeding little and often
The Relationship Between Bottle Pacifiers and Reflux
The bottle nipple is not a direct cause of reflux, but many details in the diet can trigger reflux. Details such as the bottle being a non-gassing bottle and the right amount of holes at the tip of the bottle nipple should be taken into consideration. The things to be considered about baby bottles can be summarized as follows:
- Make sure that the bottle nipple you use to feed your baby has the ideal size hole.
- The bottle should be chosen according to the baby’s age. Because if the hole is too big for the baby’s age, the baby may swallow air, and if the hole is too small, the baby will have difficulty feeding.
- It is important that the bottle does not cause gas and does not leak air.