The immune system is of great importance in babies. It is important for the baby to protect itself against organisms such as viruses, bacteria and microbes that it meets for the first time, coming from the sheltered environment in the mother’s womb to an environment with thousands of stimuli. So, how does the immune system develop in babies, what are the effects of breast milk on the baby’s immune system and how is the immune system of babies who cannot receive breast milk? We are looking for answers to these questions…
What happens to the immune system in babies who cannot receive breast milk?
All over the world, as a result of the valuable work of the World Health Organization and the Circular on the Rights of the Child, the principle of breast milk as the only food for babies for the first six months is being adopted. This is very important and babies are stronger, healthier and even happier if they receive only breast milk for at least the first 6 months. However , there are babies who cannot receive breast milk for different reasons . Due to the absence of the mother, illnesses or other reasons, some babies either cannot receive breast milk at all or are switched to follow-up milk before completing 6 months. So, how is the immune system of a baby who does not drink breast milk? How does the absence of breast milk affect the baby’s immune system?
When there is no breast milk!
First of all, if your baby is unable to breastfeed for various reasons (absence of the mother/ mother’s inability to take care of the baby/ medication used by the mother/ condition of the baby) or if your baby cannot receive breast milk even with expressing with a breast pump, health professionals will guide you for the best solution. However, in all these cases, be aware of the importance of breastfeeding and always breastfeed your baby.
In the title, we said “when breast milk is not available”; some things need to be explained here. Let’s find answers to the questions of why there is no breast milk or how to compensate for the absence of breast milk:
When Breast Milk is Not Available
There are also cases where the baby cannot suckle at all due to the absence of the mother or a different health problem.
What to do in the absence of breast milk?
In such a case, in most European countries, milk is taken from a breast milk bank and the baby is fed with another mother’s milk . In our country, this practice does not exist. However, the traditional wet nurse method can be used. When breast milk is not available, although it is not a substitute, the use of follow-up milk is also a very common method.
The picture is as above for babies who cannot receive breast milk in extreme cases. So, what are the effects of breast milk on the baby’s immune system?
About Breast Milk and the Immune System in Babies
Considering that immunity, digestive enzymes and microbiota are not yet fully developed in the first 6 months, breast milk is the only option for growth and development, neurological development and maturation of immunity. Therefore, exclusive breastfeeding for the first 6 months is very important.
As mentioned above, although breast milk is ideal in all aspects of newborn and infant nutrition, in case of illness or its absence due to various reasons, it may be necessary to use formula milk enriched with iron because it is the closest to breast milk, although not as much as breast milk. However, it should be noted here that it has been observed that babies who are breastfed have stronger immune systems than those who do not receive breast milk or who are deficient in breast milk. In other words, breast milk is necessary and important to strengthen the immune systems of babies.
complementary feeding after 6 months and what to look out for
Breast milk is important for the immune system, but there may be some lack of information in the process of starting supplementary food from the 6th month and sometimes in the process of supporting with follow-up milk. Let’s talk a little bit about these.
After the baby turns 6 months old, complementary feeding is started. Let’s underline some basic points about this:
Is Follow-on Milk a Substitute for Breast Milk?
Follow-on milk is used when necessary, but this should not be taken to mean that follow-on milk is equivalent to breast milk. Because a product equivalent to breast milk has not yet been developed. In fact, there is not even enough information about all the substances in the composition of breast milk. On the other hand, breast milk should not be seen as just a food; breast milk is the first communication between mother and baby, the first exercise for the baby’s muscles that develop with the sucking reflex , a means of happiness and relaxation, and even the first step in getting to know the world. This process is physiologically and psychologically valuable for both mother and baby.
These methods are described to provide information on the subject, not to recommend them.
Assoc. Dr. Ömer Faruk BEŞER, Journal of Clinical Medicine Pediatrics, Volume: 10 Issue: 6 November – December 2018.
Can Babies Be Given Cow’s Milk Instead of Breast Milk?
No food or milk can replace breast milk. In fact, cow’s milk may cause some negative effects for the baby up to the age of one year. The content, timing and mode of administration of complementary feeding are more important than one might think. Cow’s milk should not be given before the age of one year. This is because although the calorie content of cow’s milk is close to breast milk, the amount of protein it contains is quite high. Therefore, care should be taken not to give it before the age of 1 year.
Introducing a Vegan Diet from Infancy
If children are given vegetarian or vegan diets during the transition to complementary feeding, deficiencies in iron, zinc, calcium, B12, B2, vitamin D, vitamin A, protein and DHA are likely to be observed. Therefore, a vegan diet is never recommended during this period.
Immune System Symptoms in Babies Who Are Not Breastfed
Breast milk is essential for infant development and for strengthening the immune system in babies. So, are there some common symptoms observed in babies who cannot breastfeed for any reason?
Symptoms in babies who are not breastfed are as follows:
- Because the digestive system contains protective substances for infections, babies who are not breastfed often get infections.
- The risk of otitis media is higher than in breastfed babies.
- The risk of developing some chronic diseases is higher in babies who do not breastfeed (Type 1 Diabetes, Celiac disease, Obesity, Coronary Heart Diseases, etc.)
- When breast milk, which helps the spiritual, physical and mental development of the baby, is not taken, problems such as attention deficit syndrome and apathy may be encountered.”
- Babies who do not receive breast milk cry more often. Breast milk is known to have a soothing effect on the baby.
Hojsak I, Braegger C, Bronsky J, et al. Arsenic in rice: a cause for concern. J Pediatr Gastroenterol
T.C. Ministry of Health Public Health Institution of Turkey Department of Child and Adolescent Health. Breastfeeding counseling trainer’s book, Ankara 2015.
Turkish Neonatology Association, Healthy Term Baby Nutrition Guide
Make Breast Milk Productive!
We have a few suggestions for you to make your precious breast milk productive:
1.Get Comfortable for Breastfeeding!
The comfort of mother and baby is very important for a long and productive breastfeeding period. When you start breastfeeding, buy yourself a very comfortable breastfeeding chair or use one of the armchairs at home for this purpose. Also ,breastfeeding pillowsmake both you and your baby comfortable. It is also important to have a large glass of warm water with you while breastfeeding and some good music. Also ventilate the room before you start breastfeeding.
2.Express and store breast milk!
For the reasons mentioned above, breast milk is very precious. You can get support from breast pumps to maximize this milk for your baby. You can choose between a manual breast pump or an electric breast pump to express and store milk for your baby while he/she sleeps or when you are not with him/her. This way, when you are out for a walk, at work or for something else, your baby will still be getting breast milk.
3.How should breast milk be stored?
After expressing the milk, store it in bottles or bags with your name and the date of milking in the refrigerator or freezer. Breast milk storage bottles are a very practical aid in this regard. They are highly preferred because of their easy-to-clean structure and the advantage of being able to express milk directly into them. They are also suitable for attaching a bottle nipple and giving it to the baby after warming. Breast milk storage bags , on the other hand, offer the advantage of practical use, especially when putting them in the freezer. They are also much more convenient when you need to express milk at work. Remember that they are disposable!