Settlement Bleeding

Conception bleeding and menstrual bleeding are different. Conception bleeding is a bleeding seen in the first days when the embryo attaches to the uterus. In addition to being called implantation bleeding , it is also referred to as a vision. The actual name implantation bleeding can be confused with menstrual bleeding. Implantation bleeding, which may be one of the first signs of pregnancy, occurs when the embryo attaches to the uterus. Implantation is quite normal at the beginning of pregnancy. However, implantation bleeding may not occur in every woman.

When Does Menstruation Bleeding Occur?

Menstrual bleeding does not occur as regularly as menstrual bleeding or necessarily during menstrual periods. If you suspect that you have spotting bleeding, you should make sure that it is different from menstrual bleeding. After sexual intercourse, fertilization occurs when the sperm reaches the egg. When the embryo reaches the uterus and begins to implant, this is the time when the miscarriage occurs. Conception bleeding occurs a few days before your period.

Menstrual bleeding can be worrying for women who want to conceive through IVF. Women who experience implantation bleeding may be disappointed that the pregnancy did not occur. However, it is normal to see implantation a few days before the pregnancy test. This means that the embryo has attached to the uterus.

Women who show early signs of pregnancy may think that the pregnancy has not taken place because of the bleeding. However, you should pay attention to the differences in the color and consistency of these bleeding.

The color and consistency of the mounding bleeding

Implantation bleeding differs from menstrual bleeding in color and consistency. The color of implantation is different from menstrual bleeding. Usually, implantation bleeding is dark, pale pink or brown. Implantation bleeding looks more like discharge than menstruation. Its intensity is different from normal menstruation. The symptoms of menstruation are mild.

Discharge is a condition that women often encounter in every period of their lives. If you are experiencing discharge during your pregnancy, it is useful to examine the answers to questions such as why discharge occurs during pregnancy.

How many days does menstrual bleeding last?

The duration of the menses is about one week to ten days. How many days the bleeding lasts varies from person to person. In some women, pregnancy can occur even without any bleeding at all. Implantation bleeding does not occur during the normal menstrual cycle. Implantation occurs at a time when the embryo is attaching to the uterus.

Many women wonder whether they are experiencing menstrual bleeding or menstrual bleeding. The methods for calculating implantation bleeding are quite simple. However, these calculation results do not always mean that implantation has occurred. If it is a planned pregnancy, you can recognize implantation bleeding immediately. However, if the pregnancy is not planned, you should contact your doctor directly if you suspect implantation bleeding. This may mean that the pregnancy has started.