Blood Incompatibility in Pregnancy

Pre-pregnancy tests are very important for the health of mother and baby. In order to detect health problems in advance and intervene early, some tests should be performed before and at the beginning of pregnancy. One of these is in the first place as a blood incompatibility test.

If you think you are showing signs of early pregnancy , you should consult your doctor immediately. Blood incompatibility can be detected quickly

What is Blood Incompatibility? How Does Blood Incompatibility Occur?

Blood incompatibility is when one of the blood groups of the mother and father is positive and the other is negative. If the mother is negative, the father is positive and the child is positive, there is a blood incompatibility. In this case, the mother’s defense mechanism perceives the baby’s different blood group as a harmful substance and tries to eliminate it from the system. Thus, antibodies that could harm the baby are passed to the baby through the umbilical cord to protect the mother. Antibodies that pass into the baby’s blood can cause serious health problems. Knowing in advance whether there is a blood incompatibility during pregnancy will help to take quick action.

A blood incompatibility injection during pregnancy can be given immediately if the blood group of the mother and father is known in advance. Therefore, it is important to know the blood type of the mother and father in advance in planned pregnancies. If your pregnancy is unplanned, there is no need to worry. Blood group tests can easily determine whether there is a blood incompatibility and you can take precautions without wasting time.

Blood incompatibility during pregnancy is also called RH blood incompatibility. Blood incompatibility that is not intervened in time causes serious dangers for the baby’s health. The situation can be more serious, especially when conceived after the first pregnancy. This is because after the first pregnancy, the female body is stronger and the defense system is able to produce antibodies faster. Blood incompatibility injection during pregnancy is given in every pregnancy.

From the moment you decide to get pregnant or when you become pregnant unplanned, you should definitely see your doctor and get information. Your doctor will provide the best guidance for you and your baby’s health.