Birth Methods

Birth planning is an important process to see how you will feel about the method of contraception to be used, the place of birth, the choice of the person you want to be with you during labor, and interactions such as forceps or suction cups. It may also be useful to get information about different birth options. For this, you can find the basic methods of childbirth below. For example, water birth, hypnosis birth, home birth, etc.

The choice of water birth is based on the fact that water is an effective source of pain relief in childbirth. A hot shower reduces aches and pains. A long bath at the end of a tiring day can be very relaxing. In addition to all this, water birth pools can really help expectant mothers with reduced mobility during labor. Water birth pools are becoming more and more popular every day, but water birth is still not widespread enough in our country.

Water birth pools are larger, wider and at least 60 cm deeper than standard bathtubs. Thus, the mother can easily move around in the water birth pool and immerse herself in the water while protecting her belly. Although not very common in Turkey, many hospitals in Europe and America have installable and portable birthing pools for water birth. These can even be rented for use at home or in the hospital. Even if water birth is not your preferred method of birth, you can use a rental birth pool to relax in the last weeks of your pregnancy. These pools can be especially useful if you have trouble sleeping at night.

If you’re thinking of opting for a water birth to feel less pain but can’t afford to rent or buy pools, you can also find relief in some of these ways;

  • You can sit in an inverted bucket or plastic chair under the shower.
  • You can use a bowl to pour hot water over yourself.
  • With a powerful shower head, it can be useful to hold a stream of water on the lower back.


Hypnobirthing is an easy and special method for a better birth. It is a complete training program that teaches self-hypnosis, relaxation and breathing techniques.

He will help you with your obsessions;

  • Understanding that severe pain during labor does not have to accompany you
  • Releasing current fears and anxieties and overcoming previous traumatic births
  • Focusing on your happiness and the magic of the event rather than the scary aspects of birth
  • Taking control of your own birth experience

Hypnobirthing does not require any belief system or religious experience. You may be skeptical at first, until you try it for yourself. To summarize, hypnobirthing allows you to give birth in a calm atmosphere, away from the fear and stress that prevents the birth muscles in your body from functioning as nature intended.

If you have a healthy pregnancy and both you and your baby are healthy, a home birth is preferable. In the UK, around one in every 50 babies is born at home.

Home Birth

If you give birth at home, you should have the support of a midwife who will be with you during the birth. If you need any help or if your birth is not progressing as it should, your midwife should make arrangements to transfer you to hospital.

Home birth and its advantages:

  • You feel more comfortable because you are surrounded by your relatives.
  • You don’t spend time going to the hospital.
  • If you have other children, you do not have to leave them.
  • You will most likely be cared for during your pregnancy by a midwife you know.
  • You are less likely to need interventions such as forceps and suction cups than those who give birth in a hospital.

Here are some things to think about if you have decided to have a home birth:

  • During a home birth, you may need to be transferred to hospital if some complications occur.
  • For women with two or more babies, a midwife-led planned home birth is as safe as a hospital birth. But for women having their first baby, a home birth slightly increases the risk of a bad outcome that could affect the baby or quality of life.
  • Epidural anesthesia cannot be given at home.
  • If you are expecting twins or your baby will be born breech, your doctor may tell you that you need to give birth in hospital.