How Breastfeeding Mothers Strengthen Their Immune System

Strengthening the immune system is very important for a nursing mother. Especially in the winter months, it is important for the mother to take steps to strengthen her immune system to protect her from viruses and diseases. So, how to strengthen the immune system while breastfeeding? Does breastfeeding weaken it or can it make it stronger? Topic: Strengthening the immune system in breastfeeding mothers

Immune System while Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding has a positive effect on strengthening the immune system. Yes, many people are under the misconception that a woman who gives something of her body will lose weight during this period. But research says the opposite. Breastfeeding creates a protective shield not only for the baby but also for the mother. Moreover, when the mother is infected, the virus cannot pass to the baby through milk. It can only be transmitted through the mother’s breath, hand and saliva.

Here are tips for protecting the immune system while breastfeeding:

  • The first step to a strong immune system is to breastfeed and continue breastfeeding. Because breastfeeding also protects the mother.
  • A balanced diet has a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Probiotics such as yogurt are important for the immune system.
  • A strong breakfast is recommended.
  • Drinking plenty of fluids and plenty of water has a positive effect on the immune system of the breastfeeding mother.
  • Consumption of dried legumes is also valuable for the immune system.
  • Some foods such as onion, garlic and turmeric are known to have a positive effect on the immune system.
  • Eating fish is also very important.
  • There are many studies on the positive effects of propolis on the immune system, but it should not be consumed without the advice of a physician.
  • We know that a good night’s sleep also strengthens the immune system of the breastfeeding mother.
  • Exercise is valuable for the mother, both for improving milk quality and for the immune system.
  • Small details such as ventilating the house, going out for a walk if possible can have a big impact.

Nutrition Advice for Breastfeeding Mothers

It is very important for breastfeeding mothers to eat a balanced diet . There is a lot of advice on this subject, both from adults and online. We recommend that you take your physician’s advice on what to consider in a nursing mother’s diet, and when researching online, we recommend that you consider articles that can provide you with scientific references.

When we look at the list of things that can be done to strengthen the immune system of babies, we see that the most powerful tool is breast milk. Breast milk has great power in strengthening the baby’s immune system. So how should a breastfeeding mother eat to increase the quality of breast milk, what should be in the nutrition plan that increases breast milk and how should she follow a path to get the maximum benefit from breast milk?

How Should a Breastfeeding Mother Eat?

There are many sources on nutrition for breastfeeding mothers. Many scientists have written articles on this topic from different perspectives. When we make a simple summary of these, the following formula emerges:

  • Eating a protein-rich diet
  • Eating away from packaged food
  • Consuming prebiotics such as yogurt
  • Consume plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Taking anti-constipation foods such as dried figs, dried apricots, prunes
  • Consuming strong snacks such as walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts in the abdomen.

Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother

A thesis on the effects of breastfeeding on the mother was written at Afyon University Faculty of Medicine. Using this thesis ,we searched for an answer to the question of whether breastfeeding is beneficial for the mother and compiled the following information :

  • Research shows that premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and anemia are less common in breastfeeding women.
  • In addition , oxytocin, which is released from the posterior pituitary with the sucking of the babyin the postpartum period , reduces lochia drainage and causes the uterus to contract and shrink rapidly, which reduces bleeding. So, it allows the uterus to recover quickly.
  • Reduces iron loss.
  • It provides a rapid return to pre-pregnancy weight with loss of fat mass.
  • Increases the interval between two children by delaying ovulation.
  • Faster normalization of bone calcium levels.

It is Important to Multiply Breast Milk and Make Good Use of Breast Milk!

We have said that breastfeeding is very important for both mother and baby, but how can we increase breast milk and how should we plan to get the most out of breast milk?

1.What to Do to Increase Breast Milk?

  • Breastfeed!

The quickest way to increase the amount of breast milk is to breastfeed often. As you breastfeed, the baby’s sucking reflex will send a message to the brain to produce breast milk and the ducts will refill as they empty.

  • Eat a Balanced Diet!

Good nutrition also affects the amount of milk. Frequent and balanced eating contributes positively to increasing the amount of milk in this process.

  • Drink Fluids / Drink Water!

Research shows that there is a close relationship between the amount of breast milk and the amount of fluids the mother drinks. Therefore, drink plenty of water and fluids during the day.

  • Don’t Be Sedentary!

Exercise is a positive tool for your muscles, your circulatory system and even your spirit. A light walk, yoga, etc. can give you a feeling of empowerment. This strength and motivation will also have a positive effect on your milk supply.

  • Go to sleep!

It is difficult if you do not have a helper, but try to get as much sleep as possible. Sleep and rest are very important for the amount of breast milk.

  • Reduce Stress!

Stay away from thoughts and feelings that make you anxious and restless. As much as you can, try to focus on the good and not on such things. Sometimes, when you are surrounded by negativity, even focusing on the sprouting fresh leaf of a flower in a pot, thinking about how it feeds from the soil, how it draws water into its leaves and grows, can distract you from the current environment and current thoughts.

2.Plan for Maximizing Breast Milk Utilization

To get the most out of your precious breast milk, consider the following!

3.Don’t Waste Colostrum!

Especially the first yellow colored breast milk that comes from the mouth (colostrum) is very valuable and should be given to the baby without wasting a single drop, it is also its first vaccine. It is very valuable for the baby’s immunity.

4.Breast milk is essential for the first 6 months!

Babies should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months and breastfeeding should be continued until the age of 2 if possible. This rule, which you hear everywhere, is also important for the immunity of the baby and the breastfeeding mother.

5.Don’t Avoid Breastfeeding!

Many new mothers find it difficult to get used to breastfeeding. They are too lazy or avoid breastfeeding. However, this has a negative impact on the baby’s nutrition, can cause milk to accumulate in the mother’s breast, which can sometimes lead to mastitis, and the breast, which is not stimulated by the baby, may tend to stop producing milk. Therefore, motivate yourself to breastfeed during pregnancy and do not avoid breastfeeding. Have a breastfeeding chair in the nursery or in your bedroom and provide comfort with breastfeeding pillows.

6.Save Breast Milk!

Use a breast pump to express milk when you are separated from the baby or cannot breastfeed for other reasons. After expressing breast milk, store it in a breast milk storage bag or breast milk storage bottle in the refrigerator/freezer. Write the mother’s name and the milking date on it.

7.Stay motivated!

Motivate yourself to breastfeed by drinking plenty of water and eating well during the day. You can also read informative articles on this topic.

Tunçel EK, Dündar C, Peşken Y. Evaluation of Midwives’ Knowledge and Practices Related to Breast Milk.The Medical Journal of Kocatepe, Afyon, 2005; 6: 43-48.