When using a pump, such as an electric breast pump, you can establish routines to help your milk come in and make expressing more comfortable.
Here are a few more tips for successful milking:
1) One of the most important things to do is to stay hydrated. You should drink a glass of water before you start milking and drink as much water as possible during milking.
2) Looking at a picture of your baby during milking, having something that smells like your baby with you, hearing your baby’s voice can help increase your milk flow during milking.
3) There are also products that can help you express your milk more comfortably. For example, heating Hot Cold Breast Therapy in the microwave for 10-15 seconds and wrapping it around your pump helps to start milk flow.
4) You can get the most milk at the first milking in the morning.
5) If you feel soreness and pain in your nipples during milking, use Lanolin Nipple Cream after milking to soothe your nipples. Also make sure the pump’s breast adapter is in the center of your nipple to reduce pain.
6) Express from that breast until your milk flow slows down. If you are using a single pump, start expressing from the other breast.
And finally, remember to stay calm!