MommyBabyBliss: Nurturing the Bond Between Mommy and Baby!
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Read more: What You Need to Know About Baby Care
The wait is over and it’s time to take your baby home. But remember that your life will never be the same again. You need time to adjust to your new role and new responsibilities, such as caring for your baby. So don’t turn down offers of help. In some cultures, a woman spends the…
Read more: Birth Preparation
A new and challenging period awaits you. As a mother you will have to manage many things. It is important to take responsibility for another human being, even if it is a small one! It will make your life easier if you make sure you have everything organized before the day arrives. Preparing for the…
Read more: How to prepare the baby room
Preparing your new baby’s room is one of the most exciting times of your pregnancy. Here are a few tips to consider for an ideal baby room. 1. Where the baby room will be in your home For the first 6 months, your little baby should be a guest in your bedroom, in a crib…
Read more: Childbirth Preparation Course
As well as preparing you and your partner for the birth, a childbirth preparation course is an excellent opportunity to meet other expectant parents in the area. But with so many childbirth preparation courses, how do you choose the most suitable one for you? Some childbirth preparation courses cater to single women or certain…
Read more: Becoming a Father
Becoming a father will change your life completely! Becoming a father is a lot of fun, but you may have many questions: Will we be able to afford it? Are we ready? Will I be able to bond with my baby? Prenatal courses In recent years, more and more fathers are choosing to…
Read more: Situations You May Encounter While Pregnant
What changes in the body during pregnancy is a matter of great curiosity. Many women ask the question “how does pregnancy change my body?”. Let’s explain the changes in the body of pregnant women … Changes that occur during pregnancy Now that you are pregnant, your body will go through a number of changes…
Read more: Changes in the Body During Pregnancy
Given that you are experiencing so many hormonal changes, it should not be surprising to realize that there are other changes happening in your body besides the growing bump in your belly. If you are lucky, you may experience pregnancy fever. In some cases, you may also notice some unpleasant changes, but know that most…
Read more: Benefits of Breastfeeding
Studies show that breastfeeding is extremely beneficial for both mother and baby. Breastfeeding is also important for establishing a close bond between mother and baby in the first place. We have compiled the following information about the benefits of breastfeeding. Benefits of Breastfeeding for the Mother From the moment you first breastfeed, a…
Read more: Pregnancy Exercises
It was once believed that exercise during pregnancy was something that stressed babies in the womb and had bad effects on their development, but today we know that this is not true. In fact, exercise can even benefit both mother and baby. An average of 15-30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week has a…