MommyBabyBliss: Nurturing the Bond Between Mommy and Baby!
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Read more: Key Points for Using a Breast Pump
Expressing milk is the process of removing milk from the breast using a manual, electric or hand-operated pump. You may want to express your milk in the following situations: Your breasts are uncomfortably full If you are going back to work or will be away from your baby for a while, you should…
Read more: Breast Pump Selection
One of the most important decisions you need to make when starting to breastfeed your baby is which breast pump to choose for expressing your milk. There are many breast pumps on the market with different features. In order for you to make this decision as early as possible, we offer you the features of…
Read more: Breastfeeding in Public Places
Many mothers prefer the homes of friends or places with a baby room when they first go out. However, just because you are breastfeeding does not mean that you have to hide yourself and your baby when it is time to breastfeed. You can prepare yourself to recognize when your baby is hungry, as over…
Read more: Nipple Cracks
Breastfeeding is a skill learned by both you and your baby and can take some time. Although breastfeeding is generally a very pleasant process, some mothers may experience nipple cracks when starting to breastfeed. Nipple cracks are caused by the baby not grasping the nipple correctly. In order for the baby to suck effectively, it…
Read more: Nutrition during Breastfeeding
Nutrition during breastfeeding is very important, of course, but you don’t need to overdo it and eat extra calories or special foods. Just make sure you are getting healthy, balanced, nutritious food during this period. Don’t worry about nutrition while breastfeeding. Eating well doesn’t mean you have to spend a lot of time in the…
Read more: Baby’s First Feeding
Read breastfeeding tips and find out what to expect in the first days after your baby is born. You can also find out why the first milk is important and how often to feed your baby. Baby’s First Feeding If you and your baby are well, you will be encouraged to breastfeed as quickly as…
Read more: Breastfeeding Positions
Before breastfeeding, it is important for the mother to have knowledge about the correct breastfeeding positions. In particular, the baby’s ability to hold the breast fully ensures that the baby gets enough milk and helps prevent nipple pain and cracks. No matter what position you are in while breastfeeding, you should feel comfortable. In the…
Read more: Breast Pad Use
You are the breastfeeding mom everyone is proud of, but you may not always want to show it. In this case, a breast pad can be your super savior. A breast pad provides protection that keeps your breasts dry day and night and is not visible through your clothes. The hormones released during labor and…