Pregnancy Exercises

It was once believed that exercise during pregnancy was something that stressed babies in the womb and had bad effects on their development, but today we know that this is not true. In fact, exercise can even benefit both mother and baby. An average of 15-30 minutes of exercise 3 times a week has a positive effect on the baby’s brain development and improves cardiovascular health.


These exercises also have many benefits for the mother:


  • Provides muscle strength, power and endurance to help you prepare for childbirth.
  • It has a positive effect on your mood and helps prevent postpartum depression.
  • Allows you to sleep more comfortably.
  • Reduces aches and pains during pregnancy.
  • Helps prevent and treat gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia (PE)
  • It makes it easier to get your body back into shape after the birth of the baby.


There are many types of exercise that are recommended during pregnancy, but if you are mainly looking to increase your heart rate without creating physical pressure, even if you exercise without great effort, you should consult and discuss this with a specialist first. If you have not exercised before, you should start slowly and talk to your doctor or nurse about brisk walking. Below is a list of exercises that are suitable for you to do during your pregnancy, but remember that you can also do a lot of exercise in your daily routine. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, gardening and housework can also count as exercise!



This is a great exercise for pregnant women and can be done until your baby arrives. The effect is quite mild, it increases the heart rate and can be done according to the intensity you demand.




If you’ve been running before, don’t stop! A little exercise is a great way to get your heart rate up. If you are new to running, lighter exercises such as swimming or walking are probably better for you at first. Towards the end of pregnancy, it is advisable to reduce the intensity of your running speed to avoid falling on your joints and the effects of pregnancy.

Weight training


This is a good way to maintain your health throughout pregnancy, especially if you have done it before. Remember to use light weights and do not bend your body, as bending can cause injuries.




Aerobics during pregnancy keeps the heart and lungs strong and there are different types for all levels of experience. Whatever your level of fitness, make sure you still do the exercise that will make you least tired, for example you can try water aerobics.




One of the best exercises you can do is swimming, which has a gentle effect on your joints and relieves aches and pains during pregnancy. It is also up to you to swim at a pace that suits your fitness level.




Yoga prepares you for birth and restores your postpartum body shape. Yoga in pregnancy is also said to help make labor faster and more comfortable.




Similar to yoga, it helps to strengthen the heart muscles and correct your posture. It will also help improve your breathing technique and help you relax. Pilates supports and strengthens muscles that weaken during pregnancy, rather than stretching them.


Finally, probably the most important of these exercises is the pelvic floor muscles. You will be glad to have done this after the baby is born.


If you experience any of the following symptoms, you should stop exercising and contact your doctor immediately:


Contractions, breast pain, dizziness, calf pain or swelling, less movement of the baby, headache, muscle weakness, vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding.


You may also need to moderate your exercise as your pregnancy progresses.