Communicating with your baby through body language can be fun. Using body language can be a useful way to start communicating with your baby before they learn to communicate their wishes through speech. Research also shows that learning to use babies’ body language can also improve their language skills!
So, where do you need to start?
Identify five easy signs that are commonly used in your home and do them together every time you say the word.
For example, you can teach your babies the milk sign – open and close your fist as if you are milking. Before you breastfeed your baby, say “mommy will give you milk now” and do the gesture at the same time as you say it. Always use movement when you say something about breastfeeding. This way, your baby will also be able to express itself more clearly when it is hungry. Once they are full, your baby will realize that communication works and will be eager to express themselves through body language.
If you also vocalize every word you want to express with body language, it will also support your baby’s ability to use words. Thus, you can help your baby gain communication skills at an early stage.
Here are a few signs to get you started:
Eating – put your fingers over your lips as if you are eating – use this sign when talking about solid foods.
Done – raise your hand, turn your palm up and down – this will help your baby learn to communicate when his tummy is full.
Book – open your hands as if you were opening a book cover, palms of both hands flat and facing each other – this is an easy way to communicate during playtime
Once your baby is comfortable with these signs, you can gradually add new words to their vocabulary. You can also check our other articles to support your baby’s language development. See What Can You Do with Your Baby for Language Development?
Long live sign language!